Here we have a listing of some notable quotes found in this blog. The date after the name of the person for each quote is the date of the article that includes the quote, not the date the statement was made by that person. Click on the date to read the full article.
"You know what I really liked about the book was that by the end of the book I felt like I really knew him!" - George Chester 2/28/2010
"Everybody loves classical music. They just haven't found out about it yet." - Benjamin Zander 2/28/2010
"Music is a basic need of human survival. Music is one of the ways we make sense of our lives, one of the ways in which we express feelings when we have no words, a way for us to understand things with our hearts when we can't with our minds." - Dr. Karl Paulnack 3/2/2010
"Well, songs are just thoughts. For the moment they stop time. Songs are supposed to be heroic enough to give the illusion of stopping time, with just that thought." - Bob Dylan 3/3/2010
"I need to experience live classical music more often. It makes me stronger, more sane. I will be better, with more of it in my life." - Ron Chester 3/3/2010
"It would be easier to play a passage that brings on a particular emotion, rather than just describe the emotion with words." Chiro Friend 3/4/2010
"With live music, the specific energy that you bring as an audience member affects the performers in subtle, but real, ways. And you influence what is being created. In effect, you co-create the performance." - Dr. Karl Paulnack 3/9/10
"Music can actually carry us very very deeply into our lives and into a deeper experience and a deeper connection with our lives. Which I see as a different function from entertainment." - Dr. Karl Paulnack 3/9/10
"Frankly, ladies and gentlemen, I expect you not only to master music; I expect you to save the planet." - Dr. Karl Paulnack 3/14/10
"Half of the people can be part right all of the time,
Some of the people can be all right part of the time,
But all of the people can't be all right all of the time.
I think Abraham Lincoln said that. " - Bob Dylan 3/17/10
"Of course, my job is all about listening. And my aim, really, is to teach the world to listen. That's my only real aim in life ." - Evelyn Glennie 3/18/10